
2023-09-08 16:46 关注度:72


1. 人力资源管理 - Human resource management
2. 跨国公司 - Multinational corporation
3. 核心术语 - Core terms
4. 人力资源部门 - Human resources department
5. 招聘 - Recruitment
6. 培训与发展 - Training and development
7. 绩效管理 - Performance management
8. 薪酬与福利 - Compensation and benefits
9. 员工关系 - Employee relations
10. 人才管理 - Talent management
11. 组织发展 - Organizational development
12. 工作分析 - Job analysis
13. 岗位描述 - Job description
14. 岗位要求 - Job requirements
15. 招聘流程 - Recruitment process
16. 面试 - Interview
17. 员工入职 - Employee onboarding
18. 培训计划 - Training plan
19. 绩效评估 - Performance evaluation
20. 薪资调查 - Salary survey
21. 员工福利计划 - Employee benefits program
22. 雇佣合同 - Employment contract
23. 离职管理 - Exit management
24. 员工满意度调查 - Employee satisfaction survey
25. 绩效激励 - Performance incentives
26. 员工反馈 - Employee feedback
27. 人力资源信息系统 - Human resource information system
28. 职业发展规划 - Career development planning
29. 组织文化 - Organizational culture
30. 员工参与 - Employee engagement
31. 员工福利 - Employee benefits
32. 员工健康与安全 - Employee health and safety
33. 员工关怀 - Employee care
34. 员工离职 - Employee resignation
35. 组织结构 - Organizational structure
36. 工资核算 - Payroll processing
37. 员工培训 - Employee training
38. 员工晋升 - Employee promotion
39. 员工绩效 - Employee performance
40. 职位晋升 - Job promotion
41. 员工保险 - Employee insurance
42. 员工福利计划 - Employee benefits plan
43. 职业发展 - Career development
44. 员工满意度 - Employee satisfaction
45. 员工福利政策 - Employee welfare policy
46. 员工离职手续 - Employee resignation procedures
47. 组织变革 - Organizational change
48. 员工反馈机制 - Employee feedback mechanism
49. 员工关系管理 - Employee relationship management
50. 人力资源战略 - Human resource strategy