斐特思2023-2024 年奖学金开放申请一览

2023-01-09 10:03 关注度:72

斐特思2023-2024 年奖学金开放申请一览,有需要的同学们可以了解一下。

斐特思2023-2024 年奖学金开放申请一览

广州市斐特思学校(简称:斐特思) 2023-2024 年奖学金申请已开放。作为一所面向未来的学校,我们提供中西合璧的教育,严谨的双语学术课程,丰富的课外拓展实践,并汲取斐特思百年精髓,营造超一流寄宿环境。我们旨在培养充满自信、全面发展的年轻一代,传承中华文明,推动世界进步。







The scholarship application for Fettes College Guangzhou (hereinafter referred to as FCG) for the academic year 2023-2024 has now commenced. We do this by providing: The best of Chinese and western education. A rigorous bilingial academic programme with diverse enrichment opportunities. A unique and supportive boarding environment, drawing on 150 years of experience from Fettes College. Our aim is to produce confident and holistically educated young people, who embrace their Chinese cultural heritage and are equipped to make a significant contribution to society.

As a Fettesian, your child will be:

Charitable and kind, ready for responsibility.

Curious and creative, with a love of learning to last a lifetime.

Inspired to aim high, with the determination to achieve excellence.

Confident to embrace opportunity, with the skills to overcome challenge.

Equipped to make a positive contribution to society, with the ambition to make the world a better place.


There are four special awards in the FCG Scholarship as follows: 1st Class Scholarship, 2nd Class Scholarship, 3rd Class Scholarship, and Special Talent Scholarship, which are designed to encourage academic excellence, exemplary conduct, and/or prominence in a certain field.


FCG Scholarship

斐特思2023-2024 年奖学金开放申请一览

在2022-2023 学年,我校已有21位优秀学子获此殊荣,他们的荣誉也将记录在斐特思百年办学的史册之中。“勤勉致知,砺行致远”,在斐特思,每一位学生都能通过持之以恒的努力,鹏程万里,到达梦想的彼岸。

In the 2022-2023 academic year, our school has identified 21 outstanding students who have won the above honour titles. They will be recorded in the centennial history of Fettes school which sets out to: “Acquire knowledge with diligence and attain destination with persistence.” In FCG, each student can realize his/her dream by cherishing an ideal and moving toward it through persistent effort, this is what we call GRIT.


Preparation of Application Materials


FCG students can submit their application materials prior to the end of the second semester of this academic year. The students from other schools shall submit the application materials before the specified date under the guidance of the admissions teacher. 

申请材料包括但不限于:原学校成绩单 / 在校成绩证明、中考成绩证明 (如有)、 雅思或托福成绩(如有)、奖学金申请书(含个人陈述、监护人签字)等。

Application materials include, but are not limited to, transcripts of the original school/proof of school grades, proof of senior high school entrance examination scores、IELTS or TOEFL scores, Scholarship Application Forms (including Personal Statement and signature of the guardian), etc.


Specific Application Requirements


The FCG school students can consult the Homeroom Tutor for further information. External student candidates can contact the admissions teacher or call the admissions office. 
