

2020-03-04 22:37 关注度:929


  ? First, structure your life around school. Not your friends, family, boss, etc.


  Stop doing unnecessary things, first and foremost. If your friends/family constantly ask you to hang out, set your phone wallpaper to a picture of someone notable doing your intended career(mine is attached), and keep telling them "Sorry, that isn't going to work for me right now."

  一句话总结:最重要的就是不要做没有用的蠢事,对浪费时间又没有用的闲逛学会说 NO。

  Second, kill two birds with one stone.


  Schedule studying and break it up into no more than 90 minutes per subject. Studies show that after 90 minutes, you lose focus. Do the reading on an elliptical, stationary bike, or treadmill. Two birds, one stone. I had a bike in my living room. Live like you are workaholic in study.

  安排学习时间并且每个科目不要超过90分钟。研究表明90分钟后你肯定会放松注意力。在椭圆机,健身单车和跑步机上阅读,烤鸭们则可以尝试背单词练听力!要像学习狂人一样生活!也就说,去做 multi-task!比如,把你边吃饭边看 Running Man 的计划变成边吃饭边看 TED!

  Third, study hard, and play hard. Plan your time well.


  I find the best thing for me is dedicated school days and dedicated work days. I will be going back to this no later than next year...grad school during the week, and 12-hour shifts in the weekends. I have to live a streamlined life.


  ? Fourth, one of the biggest things is keep your vision in front of you.


  ? Lastly, for everything you are about to do, ask yourself "How is this going to improve my life? If it's not going to, don't do it."


