
2017-01-05 15:05 关注度:297



1.Include the date of your return.回复中一定要包含你休假结束,回到工作岗位的时间,这样别人会知道什么时候可以联系你,方便他人安排时间。

2.Let people know of any other individuals they can contact for help in your absence. (Be sure those individuals will be available.)让大家知道你不在办公室时可以联系你部门中的谁寻求相应的帮助。(当然你也要他们这段时间是在公司,并且是有空协助的。)

3.If people typically contact you for a certain type of information or approval, let readers know how they can find the information or get the approval in your absence.如果是那些涉及到特定信息或批准类的工作时,要让他们知道在你不在的这段期间,怎么可以找到这些信息或得到审批。

4.Remember that anyone who sends you an email will receive your autoreply (unless your software allows you to limit who receives it). Be sure your reply is suitable for senior executives, citizens, customers, patients, coworkers, clients, members, friends, strangers, and others.

5.Since anyone may receive your reply, avoid personal information about where you will be during your absence. Avoid sharing contact information that you do not want everyone to have.

6.Proofread your message very carefully--even though you may be rushing out the door to catch a plane. Every reader, including that prestigious client, prospective employer, or huge donor, will read any errors.不管你有多忙,可能你马上就要冲出门去赶飞机,也拜托好好检查一下这封邮件的细节。因为每个人,不管是极为重要的客户,还是潜在的雇主,亦或是巨额捐赠者们,总是就是那些大人物啊。如果这封邮件有错误,他们可是都会看到的。如果你不想休假回来就被老板炒鱿鱼,还是仔细检查检查吧。

7.During a holiday season, you may want to include a "Happy holidays!" sentiment if it will apply to everyone who receives your reply.如果是节假日期间,你可以加上一条有人情味的“节日快乐”哦! 那些收到回复的人也会感受到这份心意的。

